Ben Clement is a photographer, filmmaker and art director based in Melbourne AU, Amsterdam NL and Aotearoa NZ.

Information —


Email me at
For commercial projects email

For freelance art direction inquiries, email me at
Consulting and brand art direction are available on a sliding scale.

I’m based in Melbourne AU, Amsterdam NL and Aotearoa NZ.

See also:
Good Sport Magazine and AM:PM.Running Crew


Ben Clement is an established art director, filmmaker and photographer with a detailed nuance in visual storytelling. With a  15 year career spanning across Melbourne, Amsterdam, and Aotearoa, Ben brings a unique perspective to his work in how he sees and understands the movement of the human body and the active world. Ben focuses on capturing details and the idiosyncrasies of a fleeting moment –  often overlooked, he details what is often felt but not seen.

Throughout Ben’s practice, he publishes books and magazines and produces events and experiences. His work is showcased through exhibitions and is published globally in print and online.

His clients include Adidas, AirBnB, Country Road, Lululemon, Louis Vuitton, Monocle, Nike, On Running, Strava, Toyota, and more.  


WATCH Director + Cinematography


  • Stills, Motion, Direction
  • Art direction
  • Concept development
  • Photo editing
  • Photo research
  • Production
  • Movement coaching
  • Interview and writing